I’m ranking these on a 1-10 scale.

  1. _Flow/cohesion/clarity of thoughts in each paragraph as demonstrated by easy-to-read sentences with little to no grammatical or punctuation errors

I think for this section I deserve a 8 out of 10. I think the flow of the essay was really good and that there were some good transitions. I think it was pretty clear and easy to understand as well. After reading this i know that there were some errors in grammer and that’s one of my biggest issues, and I’m still trying to improve on it.

  1. ___Thesis. Is your thesis a position, something you can argue for? Or mere observation? Have you taken it to the next level by starting off with a subordinate clause such as “Because” “Despite the fact” “Since” or “Although”?

I think my thesis is a 10 out of 10. I think this was a strong thesis that I had. Also I used that thesis to anchor my paper, and in every paragraph I used my info to relate it back to my thesis.

  1. ___Development of ideas throughout paper using your “bread crumb trail” ie transitions

I give myself a 9 out of 10 for this one I think that my transitions were very good and they help organize my paper and make the paper flow nicely

  1. ___TRIAC elements and mastery

I would give myself a 9 out of 10 for this. I implemented all aspects of the TRIAC formula in my paper where they needed to be and I think I used them very effectively.

  1. ___Barclay’s formula elements and mastery. Are your 2 sources in the Barclay’s graph relevant to each other as well as to the overall arc of the paper?

I think for Barclay’s paragraph is a good 9 out of 10. I used two sources in the paragraph. I transitioned between them both well I think. They were both analyzed well and it was clear that they related back to my thesis. The one thing about it is that I think it could have been chopped up a little bit so it didn’t seem too lengthy.

  1. ___Naysayer clear and relevant? Is it more than one sentence that starts “some may argue”?

I think for my naysayers paragraph is a 9 out of 10. I made it very clear about how people may find it relevant and also brought in a quote to support it. After that Though I used good reasoning and went back to my thesis to explain why they were wrong to go forward with gene editing.

  1. ___Development of ideas and organization. Do your paragraphs follow a logical path? Is there a clear relationship between your claim sentences and your original position (thesis)? Are your claim sentences the “foot soldiers” for your thesis?

I will give myself a 8 out of 10 for this one. I think that My story was pretty organized and had a good flow. I think the claim sentences I came up with helped me map out my paper and supported my thesis very well.

  1. ___Quotes. How well does your evidence from the texts illustrate a point or prove a point? Are there any coyote quotes evident in your essay? Are you stretching your “signal verb” glossary by using active signal verbs like “argues” “claims” “discusses” “urges” “explores” etc?

For my quotes I believe that I deserve a 10 out of 10. I used the necessary amount of quotes and I believe hat I chose great quotes and analyzed them pretty well. Also the quotes I used they fueled my argument and supported my thesis very well.

  1. ___MLA. Are your in-text citations correct? Have you correctly cited when using paraphrase? Are other sources besides Lama correctly cited? And how does that Works Cited page look.

I believe for this one I deserve a 7 out of 10. I’m usually really good about having my citation in my paper, but I was looking over mine and realized I left out one citation. Other than that I think for the most part mine were good. Also my bibliography was pretty good too.

  1. ___Intro. Is your thesis stated clearly? Do you grab the reader with a hook? Are your sources introduced? Has the background of the issue been stated sufficiently?

For this one I’m gong to give myself a 10 out of 10. This is because I feel that I had a very strong hook in my paper and I added all the needed background info, and lastly I had a very clear thesis in my paper.

  1. ___Conclusion. Is your conclusion a confident pronouncement of “I SAY”? Does it re-state your position/thesis? Does it leave the reader compelled to ask more questions about the subject beyond the last sentence, using either a hypothetical or rhetorical device? Does it warn of the consequences should your action plan/thesis proposal not be heeded? Does it offer a “celebration tale” if your thesis is followed?

For my conclusion I believe that I get and 8 out of 10. I think my conclusion does pretty well wrapping everything up. I gave a solution that could potentially help gene mutations. We just need time.