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In-class exercise 2/4

” Anne’s point is that if we keep exposing shame it will get weaker, and then make it not mean anything. ”
How is this line of thinking or perspective similar to Kenji’s take on covering? How are they different?
Nice annotations!

One example of Anne’s quote and Kenji quote being similar is this quote sounds a lot like a quote from The New Civil Rights. On page 542 Kenji says: ” A true self that must be expressed for us to have the feeling of being switched on, of being alive. And if the true self embodies the importance of authenticity”. How this quote relates to Anne’s idea of shame is you’re exposing shame and it gets weaker, and Kenji is saying if you show your true self you become more authentic. These two can relate because there’s positive reinforcement coming from both showing shame and showing true self. One way that they are different is that Kenji says that the true self works together with the false self to help protect the true self. When Anne is saying that hiding Shame can lead to not seeing clearly and you’re “in the closet”.

1 Comment

  1. asymbol

    “One way that they are different is that Kenji says that the true self works together with the false self to help protect the true self.” This line is interesting because Kenji and Anne’s claims seem so similar but this shows that they are also very different as well. Anne seems to be against hiding your true self whereas Kenji seems to think its necessary at times. Do you think that having a false self is a bad thing? In certain situations is it necessary for your success?

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